Technology Strategy

Does your organisation have a technology strategy that supports the business strategy?

Why develop a technology strategy? 

Assess if an organisation’s spend on technology is contributing to the business strategy  

Ensure that money is not wasted on technology that adds no business value 

Does an organisation have the correct technology to: 

  1. Support the business strategy 
  2. Enable rapid and low cost business growth 
  3. Deliver efficient and effective business processes 
  4. Provide systems that are easy to use and increase employee job satisfaction

Steps to developing a technology strategy: 

  1. Interviews with Management and Key Staff 
  2. Business Strategy Review 
  3. Application Inventory and Review 
  4. Analysis & Reports/Documentation 
  5. Presentation and Review
  6. Develop implementation program

Project Duration

Developing a technology strategy takes 3-4 weeks.